Riviera Beach CDC Awarded $25,000 Grant to assist in COVID Relief

United Way Grant Photo

Riviera Beach CDC Awarded $25,000 Grant to assist in COVID Relief

United Way Grant Photo

March 1, 2021, RIVIERA BEACH, FLORIDA Riviera Beach CDC Awarded $25,000 from United Way’s Palm Beach County Cares for Non-Profits Grant to Assist in COVID Relief

The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners allocated up to $4 million in emergency relief to nonprofit organizations who have been impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19), and contracted with United Way of Palm Beach County to administer distribution of the funds. Qualifying nonprofit organizations were eligible to receive a one-time grant up to $25,000 to help them recover from the negative financial consequences resulting from the coronavirus (COVID-19) if accepted.

The Riviera Beach Community Development Corporation was awarded $25,000 in funds to help with the negative financial consequences resulting from the coronavirus (COVID-19). This grant will allow programming to continue with little changes based on financial fundraising loss due to COVID. United Way also provided hand sanitizer, masks, and other PPE to the RBCDC to provide to residents and program participants in Riviera Beach.

“This generous support allowed RBCDC to continue to provide homebuyer counseling, small business assistance, financial counseling workshops, and rental assistance to our community. We appreciate the partnership and the support from United Way and Palm Beach County,” says Darryl Leonard, RBCDC Chairperson. This grant was made possible through a collaboration between United Way of Palm Beach County and the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners. Funds were available as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act federal stimulus package.